CU Market Research joins The Maclean Group!
Please help us welcome CU Market Research to The Maclean Group!
Since its inception five years ago, The Maclean Group has focused on supporting credit unions and community banks in gathering, organizing, and analyzing data to make strategic decisions to best optimize their branch and ATM networks and how they connect to other distribution channels. Our research has concentrated on what is happening at the branch, how consumers are interacting with the institution via all channels, and what else is happening in the market. We have also helped institutions put this knowledge into action, designing their branches and choreographing and training staff to create a convenient and meaningful banking experience for consumers.
We are so excited to add another piece to the puzzle! The Maclean Group is welcoming CU Market Research, its clients, and its founder David Wilson, along with a foundation of thirty years in conducting custom market research studies for credit unions. While David is looking forward to a well-earned retirement in the coming year, he is committed to imparting his methodology and expertise throughout 2021 so that The Maclean Group can continue his legacy of well-executed, insightful member satisfaction studies.
While we can get an understanding of how consumers behave from transaction data, we can only see what they are doing with the channels they have available to them. Now, with the addition of CU Market Research, we can help financial institutions gain a deeper understanding of their member/customer satisfaction and learn more about what is important to them as they seek convenient financial services.
For more about the history of CU Market Research and the service offerings, please give us a call or visit
We look forward to meeting past CU Market Research clients and welcoming new clients along the way.
